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The Project


College of the Canyons

GMD 047 Intro to Photoshop

Fall 2004
Section: 3713

Meeting Time: Saturday 12:00 PM-2:50 PM

Room: M-216


Instructor: Larissa Bank

E-mail: larissabank@hotmail.com

class Website: http://www.larabank.com/photoshop

Office Hours: by appointment


Final Project: Faux-toshop Project

For your final project, you are to create one original printed Photoshop file. Is should have a cohesive theme or concept. You will need at least the last two class periods to work on your project as well as time budgeted outside of class. Plan accordingly. The specifications are as follows:


Students will create one project utilizes compositing, layers, image adjustments, and masking utilizing a theme from the choices below.

For sample files see examples on the class site:



Minimum elements:


Remember that these are the guidelines and if your project is amazing but doesnŐt follow all my rules, thatŐs fine, but you will be graded according to them. The choice is yours. You will be graded on:


5 layers   50
3 image adjustment layers 50
1 cut out     50
CMYK mode


PSD FILE- not flattened   50
PSD FILE- flattened  25


Design consideration 50
Creativity    50
Content/thematic consistency


Class Participation 50


Your final project is due on September 25th and is worth 500 points.